Tuesday, January 1, 2008

By Any Other Name...

}, originally uploaded by Joseph Orsillo.

I've been a little slack lately. Blame it on the holidays if you want, but I haven't been too excited about shooting these days. Yesterday I forced myself to get out from in front of the computer and DO something. I had this old dried out bouquet and decided to give it a go. I made several images intended to be in color. This one was the last of the day and I really didn't think that much of it, kind of a throw away. I shot it intending for a square crop, but it was originally framed 90 degrees counter clockwise from where it is now. I did the sepia conversion in Camera Raw, then brought it into Photoshop. Still not thinking much of it, I began to add some additional toning work and USM to bring out the detail when it hit me... 'rotate it 90 degrees'. BOOM - WOW. As David Lynch would say, it was one of those "Holy Jumping George" moments. I immediately fell in love with it. I guess this goes to show that as shitty as I may feel sometimes, I need to push myself to create.

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