Monday, August 13, 2007

joshua tree sunset

joshua tree sunset, originally uploaded by Joseph Orsillo.

Talk about going way back. I shot this image when I first visited Joshua Tree way back in the 90's. I can’t remember the exact year, but I was still in college so it must have been '93 or '94. I was so excited. It was the first serious use of my beloved Speed Graphics I purchased at the Trade Tech garage sale for a whopping $5. I used Polaroid type 55 film and the resulting negative was a little thin. My first prints of this image were very dark and had next to no shadow detail. It wasn't until I discovered Photoshop half a decade later that I could really play with this. All of a sudden I could see detail way down into the shadows and still keep the sky all dark and gloomy, just the way I like it.

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